Bhagat Singh

Overall Goal of Session: Bhagat Singh was a man who fought for his country until his last breath and sacrificed his life for it. He inspired other freedom fighters, especially the youth, to fight for independence from British rule. He was a person of values and courage.

Expected Takeaways: A sense of sacrifice and patriotism for the country. Develop respect for the freedom that we currently have. Inspiration from Bhagat Singh’s patriotism, courage, and determination. He was a man with a pure heart and selflessness.

Expected Impact on Behaviour: Leadership, patriotism, sacrifice, courage, determination, importance of freedom, love for the country (and the world) – more importantly for freedom and democracy. 

Any Observations: The movie “Legend of Bhagat Singh” which was screened at the end of the ppt is a very powerful movie. It strongly captures the life and values of Bhagat Singh, Sukhdev and Rajguru. It is a part of the session and should not be omitted as far as possible. 

Any Other Notes: Playing the song “Aye Mere Watan ke Logo” at the end of the session (before the movie) was very powerful and can be replicated. 


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