Welcome to Seedling Foundation!
The purpose of Seedling Foundation is to sow seeds of transformation at the Dongri Children’s Home in Mumbai, with Children in Conflict with Law (CCL)
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Our Work
  • Engaging Children
  • Training and Sensitizing the Staff
  • Creating a Positive Environment
  • Community Engagement - Involving the Society
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Engaging the Children:
  • Art Based Therapy
  • General & Value Education
  • Extracurriculars
The focus is on behavioral transformation and constructive engagement

Working Alongside the Staff For:
  • Value Orientation
  • Intention Setting
  • InterConnection
  • Up-Skilling
Creating a Shift in the Environment
Adding positivity and values in the physical spaces as well as in the overall vibe at the Dongri Children's Home
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Seedling Foundation

True to the tagline, ‘Planting Seeds of Transformation’, the work of Seedling Foundation is focussed on facilitating inner transformation in anyone it touches – be it children, staff, community or the physical environment. The primary work is with the Children in Conflict with Law (CCL) at the Dongri Children’s Home (also called Dongri Observation Home). On one end, most of these children have had an extremely traumatic and difficult childhoods and hence there is a sense of sympathy for them; while on the other end, they have committed an offence which ranges from simple robbery to gruesome murders. Because of the latter part, most of society views this population in a negative light, and understandably so. However, these children sooner or later go back into society after they complete their term at the Observation Home and hence, it is very important to work with them while they are at the Observation Home to prepare them for society. As we work towards this ambitious goal, we are constantly aware about the dichotomy between their own life situations (trauma) and their actions (offense in society) and we try to bring a change in a holistic manner. Our experience while working with these children has shown us not only a possibility of change, but also the tremendous talent and potential they have to contribute to society.

Our Approach

Mental Health

Understanding and Expressing the Self

Facilitating self reflection and understanding, as well as providing a safe environment for genuine expression without any judgement.

Physical Environment

A Sacred Place

Creating a positive vibe and emphasizing on virtuous qualities through paintings and quotes.

Value Education and Basic Education

Imbibing Values and Igniting Curiosity

Amplifying virtuous and encouraging the kids to learn more about the world and topics of their interest.

Physical Activities

Channelizing Energy Productively

Bringing joy and releasing frustration of the kids through sports and other physical activities.


Igniting Empathy and Creating Awareness

Deepening the innate quality of empathy in the children as well as the staff.

Research and Data Analysis

Insights From Data

Analyzing the Data to derive various observations and insights related to the children, backgrounds, cases, etc.

By working on these areas with the right intention and a great team, we endeavour to positively impact the lives of many children.

Our ultimate aim is to create a peaceful and happier home environment that will empower the children to become better individuals, reintegrate into society and contribute to making society a more harmonious place.

Planting Seeds - by Nimo!

Nimo is a mentor and a dear friend. He is an inspiration to us. This song is particularly close to our heart and in many ways, it serves as a guiding principle for our work. It also closely relates to the name of the project.  We express our gratitude to Nimo for this wonderful creation!

Planting Seeds by Empty Hands Music, ft. Nimo Patel

Recent Stories


A Saintly Person – Arun Dada

Date: 2nd September 2024  Today afternoon, we were in Dongri preparing for a new initiative on Gandhi ji’s life at the Children’s Home, called Gandhi

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Staff Engagement

KalyanMitra – Social Psychology

Event Date: 3rd July, 2024  After the successful staff session on mental health, we planned the next session to focus on breaking down concepts related

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