Seeds of Learning

Date: March 2024

Every year, there is a project exhibition called ‘Gyan Mela’, organized by an NGO called ‘Our Children’ for various children’s institutions within Mumbai. This was the first time that Dongri Children’s Home participated. From Dongri, there were 2 teams that went for the exhibition, one of which we were mentoring and guiding. We chose the topic, ‘Conflicts and the Changing Map of the World’. Among various aspects of this project, the boys learned about the rates of deforestation and that an area of tropical tree cover, of the size of 40 football fields, is lost every minute. It was shocking for them and they became conscious and worried. Suddenly, one of the boys, Shan, said, “I don’t know what we can do outside but at least we can make Dongri greener. We will plant trees in Dongri!” The enthusiasm increased more when they got appreciation for the project at the exhibition. Immediately after returning from there they had asked Karan for flower and vegetable seeds. We also responded immediately. In a couple of days we visited the nearest plantation shop at Byculla and bought seeds and manure. We informed Shan and showed him the material. When we came the next morning, Shan and a few more boys had already made a clean soil bed for the vegetable seeds. For the seeds of flowering plants, we cut some oil cans in half and added soil in it from the campus garden. With love and patience the boys sowed tomatoes, coriander and chilies seeds in the soil. Flower seeds were sowed in oil cans filled with soil. Sneha bought three little plants (Rose, Curry Leaves and Tulsi) which the boys planted around the gym area.

From then on,  everyday the boys were watering these seeds waiting for life to crop up. In about a week, two tiny leaves started coming out struggling for life. We all were happy. Everyone was appreciating the boys. However, there was a challenge in watering the plants. There is no tap near the plantation area. Initially, the boys were watering the plants using buckets but this was very difficult and effortful since the water source was quite far away and carrying multiple buckets of water everyday was not feasible. Slowly, the motivation went down but boys were constantly asking for help. They wanted a longer pipe so that they could easily water the plants. Shan had given the idea of taking a pipeline from the girl’s section since that was a nearer water source. The idea was good but it was quite difficult to execute. When the boys see trouble and difficulty, their interest goes down very quickly. We were also struggling to resolve the water issue. Sometimes you struggle a lot for something and put enormous efforts towards it, but the response you get from other stakeholders is not as expected. This sometimes demotivates you, and might even lead you to question yourself on your efforts. Slowly everyone disappeared from the space which they had built with passion and intent. And there are always a lot of things happening at Dongri one after the other so one gets busy with other new things.

Sneha and I continue to visit the plantation area every alternate day. Yesterday me and Sneha were thinking of those plants which were grown but now are again touching the soil instead of moving towards the sky. Our mind was wondering what we could do. And Sneha said, “I will take two boys and work on the plants.” I immediately said, “yes, let’s do it.” Sneha took Ishan, another boy who was actively taking care of the plants, and two buckets of water and some bottles. We went there and started watering the plants. The plants in the oil cans were almost dead. Sneha said, “Let’s water them and see if they flourish one more time or not.” The Vegetable plants are still with soul in them and we continue to pour water on them. We asked for help from Ishan so that he can take charge of this small project. “Will you help us water the plants everyday?” We asked and he immediately said yes. While all this was going on, a few other boys were observing the situation. A couple of them came nearby and said, “This is the reality of Dongri. Things are done but just to show off. Nobody is taking responsibility.” Some even laughed at the efforts and situation.

It was amazing to witness the boys take initiative for the plantation project, but there was no commitment. When things get rough, they don’t find the motivation to stick to the aim and to sustain the project. They forgot that the small plant’s life was our responsibility. Personally, I am also worried about cutting trees but never went to plant trees myself, and so I highly appreciated their initiative. However, we also felt that we  need to make them understand to walk till the end. Struggles make you strong and it is the only way of showing the world that you have the strength to make it happen. It was a learning for boys and for us: if you are planning something be there till the end.

The project, which was started by Shan, is continuing through the efforts of Ishan and Sneha. Vegetable plants are blooming but flower plants are dead. Watering the plants is still an issue but this time we will be there with the boys. Will make them understand that when one door closes, there will be another door waiting to be opened. We have to just keep trying and be patient. Don’t shut your heart’s door if issues come up. 

We plan to plant new flower seeds soon. I hope that this small plantation project will flourish once again. We will update you soon!

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