Nature Journey – Introduction to 5 elements of nature

Most commonly occurring therapeutic domains: Mindfulness – improving quality of focused attention and sustained action, connection with self and nature, self-introspection.

Goals of the Session:

  • Understanding the 5 elements of nature
  • Symbol relationship: Understanding the relation between two ideas or concepts.
  • Sense of belongingness to the group.

Key Concepts (if any): Interdependence and developing compassion towards nature.

Space and Material Preparation:

  • Whiteboard and markers.
  • 5 closed tins:
    1. Tin filled with soil.
    2. Tin with water.
    3. Empty tin representing air.
    4. Another empty tin representing space.
    5. Tin with a matchbox representing fire.

Communion Rituals: 2 minutes of silence.

Participants will look out the window and identify natural elements they can see. This will serve as an introductory session for our nature journey.

Discussion: Children were divided into 5 groups. Each group was given a tin corresponding to one of the elements mentioned above. Facilitators instructed them to open their tin and contemplate the items inside. Those with the air and space tins received assistance to understand the symbolic representation of emptiness. Groups were given 5 minutes for contemplation.


Each group represents the importance of the element they received in nature and in daily life. Simultaneously, the facilitator explains how each element is interconnected with the human body. The aim is to demonstrate the interconnectedness and unity of these elements.

  • Air (Vayu) represents oxygen, breath, and lightness. It facilitates clear communication and self-expression, circulating in both the respiratory and nervous systems. Imbalances may manifest as high blood pressure, nervous disorders, depression, lung disorders, or muscle pain.
  • Water (Jala) protects and cleanses the body, influencing bodily fluids like saliva, blood, and urine. Imbalances can lead to conditions like colds, asthma, sinusitis, or swelling.
  • Fire (Agni) is associated with metabolism, creativity, and heat regulation. Imbalances can result in anger, skin diseases, diabetes, or mental disorders.
  • Earth (Prithvi) provides grounding and calmness, regulating bodily structures like bones and muscles. Imbalances may cause issues like high cholesterol or muscle and bone pain.
  • Space or Ether (Akasha) represents the emptiness that holds the other elements. It is omnipresent and fundamental to the existence of all elements.

Closing Ritual – Guided Meditation 

In hindi 

अपनी पीठ के बल लेटें और आराम करें। अपने पूरे शरीर को ज़मीन पर भारी महसूस करें। अपनी सांस को महसूस करें जैसे वह अंदर और बाहर बहती है।

कल्पना कीजिए कि आप एक खूबसूरत दिन पर बाहर घास में लेटे हुए हैं। आप अपने नीचे ठंडी घास और ठोस ज़मीन को महसूस करते हैं। आप महसूस करते हैं कि आपका शरीर आराम कर रहा है, और भरोसा करते हैं कि पृथ्वी आपका पूरा समर्थन करेगी।

पास में ही एक नदी बहती है. आप पानी की आवाज़ सुनते हैं क्योंकि यह पत्थरों पर और मोड़ के आसपास मुक्त और शांत नृत्य करता है।

सूरज ऊपर चमकता है. इसकी किरणों की गर्माहट आपकी त्वचा पर अच्छी लगती है। आपका पूरा शरीर गर्म और आराम महसूस करता है।

आप अपनी त्वचा पर हवा का हल्का स्पर्श महसूस करते हैं और हवा में पत्तियों की सरसराहट सुनती हैं।

और यद्यपि सूर्य चमक रहा है, तौभी तुम जानते हो कि आकाश तारों से भर गया है। आकाश के सभी तारों की कल्पना करें। अपने दिमाग को बाहर जाने दें और एक अंतरिक्ष यात्री की तरह तारों का अन्वेषण करें, ब्रह्मांड के विशाल विस्तार और उसमें अपने स्थान को देखकर आश्चर्यचकित हो जाएं।

फर्श पर पड़े अपने शरीर के प्रति सचेत रहें। शरीर को पृथ्वी की तरह ठोस, नदी की तरह बहता हुआ, सूरज की तरह गर्म, हवा और आकाश की तरह हल्का और खुला महसूस करें। महसूस करें कि आप कैसे इन सबका हिस्सा हैं क्योंकि आप अपने आस-पास की आवाज़ों के प्रति जागरूक हो जाते हैं और अपने पैर की उंगलियों और उंगलियों को हिलाना शुरू कर देते हैं। अपनी इच्छानुसार किसी भी तरह से हिलें और खिंचें, फिर अपनी तरफ करवट लें और ऊपर आकर बैठ जाएं।”

In English 

“Lie on your back and relax. Feel your whole body heavy on the ground. Feel your breath as it flows in and and out.

Imagine that you are lying in the grass outside on a beautiful day. You feel the cool grass and solid ground beneath you. You feel your body relax, trusting the earth to support you completely.

A river flows nearby. You hear the sound of the water as it dances free and cool over stones and around the bend.

The sun shines overhead. The warmth of its rays feels good on your skin. Your whole body feels warm and relaxed.

You feel a gentle touch of air on your skin and hear the leaves rustling in the breeze.

And even though the sun is shining, you know that the sky is filled with stars. Imagine all the stars in the sky. Let your mind go out and explore the stars like an astronaut, marveling at the vast expanse of the Universe and your place in it.

(Here I allow several minutes of silence.)

Become aware of your body lying on the floor. Feel the body solid like the earth, flowing like a river, warm like the sun, light and open like the air and sky. Feel how you are a part of it all as you become aware of the sounds around you and begin to wiggle your toes and fingers. Move and stretch in any way you like, then roll to your side, and come up to sitting.”

The children are given time to share their experience and then end the session.

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