Safar Zindagi Ka (Ep 3) – A Transformative Journey 

Event Date: 18th April 2024 

After two successful episodes of “Safar Zindagi Ka” (SZK), everyone eagerly anticipated the lineup for the third episode. We aimed to feature someone from Dongri known for their connection with children, and the name that immediately came to mind was ‘Popat Sabji’, a name that resonated with the children too. Popat Sabji has been a guard at Dongri for the last 20 years! What makes Popat Sabji special is how children perceive him – as a strong, fearless and yet empathetic person, much like themselves.

However, convincing Popat Sabji posed a challenge initially. Initially, he was adamant of not giving the interview, he did not want to go on the hot seat. After a lot of persuasion, he started considering it, but then declined since he was concerned that the interview would be in Hindi. Moreover, since he had a rough past and a messy life, he was further hesitant, but that was exactly why we wanted him to share his story to show that it is possible to transform one’s life positively despite hardships. Fortunately, with the support of Dr. Pradnya Ma’am, and Sister Petkar, our previous SZK guest who gave an inspiring interview, we managed to persuade Popat Sabji. Ultimately, he couldn’t refuse the request from all of us and Kanthikar Sir, our supportive Superintendent.

Before the interview, listening to Popat Sabji’s story was a profound experience. He shared with us, “I lived my life like a king, without a worry for anything—money, material possessions or life. But one day, I realized that while I was living like a king outside, back home my own family was struggling for basics, for life. That was my turning point.” (more context later in the blog)

There was a lot of anticipation in the days leading up to the interview. When Popat Sabji entered the interview hall, he was greeted with applause, cheers, and whistles from the boys. He sat on one of the audience’s chairs and humbly asked, “Can I sit here and give the interview?” We smiled at his innocence and guided him to his seat. Karan gave him time to gather his thoughts before he began sharing his journey in front of the boys, staff and the superintendent. This time too, we asked one of the boys to co-anchor the interview. He is a very shy boy, but he agreed to co-anchor and did well. Just as we did in earlier interviews, we had collected surprise videos from his family, staff, and the boys. Since he had not fully attended an earlier interview this was a big surprise for him! He was very moved by those pictures and videos and kept asking us when did you take these clips. 🙂 This time, we added a new part in the interview – a rapid fire round, which we asked towards the end of the interview. The responses to those questions were hilarious especially the signature style in which Popat Sabji responded to them.

Here are some highlights from his interview:

Popat Sabji came from a small village and was the youngest in his family of farmers. He recounted his mischievous days during school where he faced punishment almost daily, causing his father to receive complaints from villagers. Despite being disciplined and beaten by his father regularly, Popat Sabji holds great respect for him and his elder brother, and deeply loves his mother.

He was once suspended from school for 10 days. For fun, he scared his friends by turning off the lights at night and bullied them. When they screamed, the teacher entered the room and, without asking anyone, immediately knew that it would be Popat Sabji. He suspended him for 10 days for this incident. Popat Sabji enjoyed those days outside without informing his family. However, his father later found out from villagers that he had been roaming around during school hours. During this time, he had a bicycle that he rode roughly and raced with others. He completed his entire school life in the village. A studious friend of his always helped him with exams. In the 10th grade, his friend wasn’t around him during the exam and so Popat Sabji failed! However, he reappeared for the exam and passed the 10th grade. These stories were very relatable for the children and at the same time motivating, since they see the transformation in him today.

Before joining the Children Aid Society, at the Dongri Observation Home, he had worked in various places. He has a passion for driving and has experience with vehicles ranging from small cars to heavy buses and trucks. He drove a truck for long distances, which kept him away from home for months. Concerned about his prolonged absence, his father and brother eventually urged him to quit the job. Subsequently, he joined the forest department as a forest guard and served there for nearly three years. He found it to be a good job overall, but his short temper led to a conflict with his supervisor, and on one such occasion he was fired on the spot. Reflecting on this, he admitted, “I used to be very short tempered and reactive, and found it hard to accept authority.” The boys were reminded of their own life instances and behaviour patterns. We could gauge from the responses of the audience that they were enjoying listening to this person’s story, whom they just saw as a guard previously.

Popat Sabji mentioned that for 7 years, he was working with a friend who was a politician, and with the friend’s support he was leading a carefree and enjoyable life with his group of friends. They received ample money, luxurious cars, and would travel extensively. In their ignorance, they troubled and hurt a lot of people without realizing that they were doing something wrong. Popat Sabji shared that now when he sees them, he feels very ashamed and cannot even make eye contact with them. This sharing was very genuine and profound, especially for the children sitting in the audience. During this time, when he was working with the politician, Popat Sabji’s family arranged his marriage, which was challenging as no one was initially willing to marry him. Over time, he became a father to two daughters. However, despite becoming a family person, his way of life was still the same. The turning point came when he became the father of twin boys! Suddenly, the responsibility of providing for his family became big, and a very real thing for him. One day, when he returned home from his long travels, he saw his ill wife and children struggling to manage household chores and basic meals, which deeply hurt and embarrassed him. This moment prompted Popat Sabji to reconsider his path and bring about a shift. He decided to leave his carefree life behind and seek stable employment.

In 2004, Popat Sabji made a significant change by joining the Dongri Observation Home under the guidance of a close relative who also works here now as a guard. Initially, this transition was challenging for him. His mind struggled with distractions from his previous carefree life, making it difficult to adjust to the discipline of a structured job. He admitted that following orders and adhering to schedules was tough for him initially. However, he realized the importance of a stable life and of becoming a positive example for his family. He felt that if he didn’t change his ways, it would negatively impact the lives of his loved ones. Over time, he got used to his new role and eventually developed a deep appreciation for it. Now, he finds fulfillment in his work and enjoys his duty. The perception of this person was significantly changing in the minds of the children and the staff. The boxed view of a person based on their job title and role was breaking and the human side was being felt. Popat Sabji himself was feeling that human connect too, with the kids, staff, and us – especially since he felt touched by the small gestures that we made through the images and videos of his family and staff members. As a senior and experienced person at Dongri, the staff had lots of praise for him, especially how he manages both the boys and the system effectively. The Superintendent’s video was very moving for him as he has a lot of respect for the Superintendent and hearing his genuine appreciation on a public forum meant a lot for Popat Sabji.

One remarkable thing about Popat Sabji is his diverse circle of friends spanning across different religions. They regularly gather and maintain a strong bond over the years. He enjoys visiting his village frequently and actively participates as a member of the village core team. His positive transformation has earned him respect within the community, and he proudly talks about it! Reflecting on his past, Popat Sabji mentioned that money was never a concern for him before. He used to have plenty of cash and spent it freely, as it was given to him for enjoyment. However, he now realizes the mistake in that lifestyle. The money he earns through hard work, by an honest living holds far greater value and significance for him now.

Within four years of working at Dongri, Popat Sabji earned a promotion and was able to build his own house. He is now educating his two sons, while his two daughters are well educated and are now happily married. He candidly shared that he used to struggle with anger, but with age and life experiences, he has found a calmness and harmony within himself, his family, and society. Reflecting on his past, he admits to making mistakes but emphasizes the importance of overcoming them. When we asked him if he had any message for the audience, for the children at Dongri, he strongly said just one thing: “Stay away from addiction, it is very destructive!” He believes firmly that anyone can change their path if they make a determined decision to do so.

Finally, when we asked him if he had any mentors, Popat Sabji responded, “My life experiences itself are my mentors. And despite all the trouble I caused, my family has always been supportive. I am grateful to them.”

When the interview ended, Popat Sabji received enthusiastic cheers and applause, and I felt like I had been listening to the story of a boy at Dongri. Later, the boys also approached him and said, “You were just like us.” This statement gave hope to every boy, showing them that life can indeed change for the better.

May people like him keep getting the strength to alter their paths and bring a transformation in themselves and in society!

Love Joy Peace

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