Date: 4th July 2024
In early July, we made a presentation capturing our work thus far since the beginning of Seedling Foundation in November 2023. It was for a meeting of all NGOs working at the various children Homes of Mumbai and Children’s Aid Society (CAS), the organization that runs these Homes. In this presentation, you can see the various activities and initiatives that Seedling Foundation has been implementing at the Dongri Observation Home over the last 8 months – from November 2023 to June 2024. Looking back, it is fascinating to see the number of things we have been able to execute in such a short period of time and with a relatively small team. In fact, for us, it also feels surprising that it has been less than a year since this organization started!
Since this was a presentation and not a report, the voice over was important. However, even without the voice over, it gives a good overview of the work done so far. Sharing the presentation below.
We hope to continue working actively and collaborating with Children’s Aid Society and other related NGOs to create a transformation in the lives of everyone we touch. 🙂