A Spontaneous Gratitude Circle & A Thank You Poster!

A few days back, I was sitting in the classroom with many kids, doing their own thing in small groups while the teacher was busy with his work. I did not have anything planned during that time and so I was just sitting with 4-5 boys and listening to their conversation and thinking “what can I do with the kids today?”.

Soon enough, an interesting question popped up in my head and I just asked them the question: “What are you grateful for at Dongri?” Immediately, one of the kids asked, “what does ‘grateful’ mean?”, and others started guessing the meaning.. ‘inspiring?’, ‘interesting?’, ‘happy about?’, etc. I told them, grateful means ‘kritagyata’, it means ‘being thankful’. And I reiterated the question: “What are you thankful for at Dongri?”

As they understood the question, there was a moment of silence within the group as they all started thinking about it, amidst the background chatter of the other children. I asked them to take some time to think about it and then share one by one (just like a gratitude circle 🙂). Turn-wise, they started sharing different things that they were grateful for: the food, the facilities, the freedom to do various things despite it being a Juvenile Home, friendships, mentors, etc. But each of them spoke fondly about the Superintendent and felt blessed to have him as the head of the home. Each of them had different stories of how he had touched their lives and how he was a wonderful human being! Once each of them shared, I quickly asked them, “should we do something nice for him?”… and the kids started brain-heart-storming on what could be done.

They decided to express their feelings by writing individual notes and collective poetry. To do this, we decided to put it all on a larger chart paper so that it would be a collective effort. And there started the 2 day process of writing letters, collating it on a chart paper, beautifying it and finally getting it ready for hand-over! 😃
After completing the chart, they were very excited to hand it over to the Superintendent and were feeling joyous from within. Their excitement was clearly visible and they would happily show their mini-project to any of the staff, teachers, or guards that would cross paths. Finally, they handed it over to the Superintendent and it was a wonderful interaction. He was pleased to receive this heartfelt gesture and appreciated the boys for it as well as their overall behavior. The boys further expressed their gratitude and shared how they have decided to become better human beings. I was a happy witness of this interaction. :))

Here are some images of the chart that they created and their notes…

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